Thursday, December 27, 2007

orderan browniesku membanjir..




bropang=brownies panggang

brokus = brownies kukus

natal ini, selain kueh keringku, browniesku baik itu dipanggang dan dikukus..banjir's GOD..

bahkan ada yg bawa kemedan, 9's ya buk..atas orderannya..

triple chocolate

orderan tmn sekantor utk natal kemaren..

jualan kueh kering dihari natal

mau cerita nih,..
aku masih amatiran banget soal baking, tpi daku sdh berani terima orderan diidul adha dan natalan serta tahun baru..
Puji Tuhan..yg order tdk tanggung2 bo..bagiku ini merupakan rejeki yg terbesar..krn aku masih anak kemaren sore dlm dunia baking tapi yg order utk natal buanyak betul ..Puji Tuhan..(menurutku yg masih amatiran ini)

aku sampai menangis begitu buanyak yg order, 3 dus /dozen..stoples stock dirumah habis dan ludes, bahkan buat kelurgaku tdk ada tersisa

aku cuma berani terima orderan kue kering sagu keju, lidah kucing dan nastar..cuma itu..yg lainnya blm sempat dan tenagaku tdk ada alias capek..krn yg kerjakan sendri..hiks...blm lagi brownies yg banjir....pesananan..

bahkan utk tgl satu january nanti, aku blm buat, 1 kg sagu keju, dipesan sama seorg ibu, salah satu kepsek smp dibatam, tks yah ibu..

kueh keringku siap utk diantarr..

sagu keju...kueh yg laku keras dihari natal kemaren..begitu lembut dan terasa banget kejunya

my disangka..orderan ini membludak..shg membuat kakiku sakit...

lidah kucing...tak kalah juga..over orderan..

Monday, December 17, 2007

gabie bobo

inilah posisi tidur si dedek 'gabie'..
dia suka banget tdr begini, mulai dari bayinya..
dan tdk lupa barbienya selalu disamping..
dan kalo bobo..maunya pakai celana dalam doang tdk mau pakai piyama atau celana pjg..
kita suka manggil dia dgn canda " gebse"..aka gebie seksi...wakakakakakak..

cerita brigitta di hari minggu

suka banget dengan pose begini... si kakak.
dia sayang banget dgn rambut panjangnya yg lurus hitam legam spt bapa, my jo.

kalo ditanya nih..

nande : kakak ngapain suka pose begitu nak kalo di poto?
kakak: spt iklan shampoo rambut dop..(dove) katanya..


cerita gabie dihari minggu

kursi yg selalu dipakai utk menonton teve.

suka begini neh kalo dipoto

merem terus si dedek "gabie" kalo dipoto..

gini neh kalo lagi merepet...nak...nak..lucu deh

dan ini kalo lagi manyun.. our gabie aka "gebse"

cerita ttg anak2 ku

salah satu koleksi boneka kesayangan putri2 ku, barbie

suka canda, akhirnya begini deh..

Friday, December 14, 2007

jumat pagi

lagih2 aku dipoto tanpa sepengetahuanku..dan blio kirim via bt..duh..nih anak..suka banget ngerjain daku..
maklum blio suka maen kektrku dan aku lagi asyik2 bongkar tas..heh..blio diam2 poto deh..ada ajah, dia suka banget neh ngerjain aku..

Monday, December 03, 2007

quickie ekspress

bongkar2 tas, nyari usb, ketemu deh nih ticket..
he3x...jadi teringat story ttg tiket inii.....
aku dan my love jo, nonton "quickie ekspress" minggu lalu, tepatnya 26 Nov 2007, pas hari senen. saat itu aku lagi bete banget dikantor, terus telpon hubby utk jemput, pengen cepat plg, yah..sutralah..aku plg cepat, kepalaku nyut2 dan bete banget.
terus hubby ajak 'nomat' - senen di 21, di nh sono..yah sudahlah..kami nomat..
pilemnya okeh jugah..hilangkan nyut2 kepalaku dan bete di kantor..
he3x....ini pilem lucu banget..
gaya tora sudiro and the gank..gile..benar..ha3x......
thank you for my love 'jo' atas idenya, nomat di senen itu... kekekekekekek


corat coret


sedang berkarya dgn coretannya.

rumah kami dihiasi dgn wall paper natural hasil karya tangan kedua putriku. sdh diminta jgn corat coret didinding, tetep sajah nulis di dinding. sdh dibelikan white board, buku dan kertas karton ditempel didinding, tetap ajah mintanya didinding..yah..sudahlah..tak biarin sajah, toh nanti berhenti jugah, spt kakak brigitt, berhenti sebelum usianya memasuki 3 thn, he3x..baru deh..ngecat ulang tuh dinding...wakakakakk

gabie demam

walaupun kondisi badan hangat alias demam, tapi adek gabie tetap okeh... he3x.. ya maklum, iklim batam kurang bersahabat dlm beberapa minggu ini, musim panca roba, angin di batam kencang..sekali.

Puji Tuhan, dedek makannya tetap banyak dan aktivitasnya biasa2 sajah. cepat sembuh nakku...mmmmuuaah .

Friday, November 30, 2007

aku manies..kan?

gabriella kami

lagi ngapain neh..dek...?

aku cantik kan...

brigitta kami

nande,..kakak ngantuk banget neh

nande, lihat sdh bersih nih...


lagi ambil foto sendiri neh..

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

hari ini

alarm bunyi, pukul 4:30. aku dan suami bangun. read holly bibile dulu. baru back to our rutinitas.
biasa, beres2 rumah, mutar mesin cuci, prepare breakfast dan makanan buat keluarga. bapa-jo, lari pagi dan kedua putri tercinta masih bobok manies.

tenggorokanku kumat lagih. hidung mulai tersumbat neh. badan agak lemas. rasanya malas banget ngantor.
berangkat pagih, diantar sama bapa-jo dan kedua putri tercintah yg sdh bangun disaat aku mau berangkat. yes..6:00 pagi..tepatsssssssssss..rutinitas itu mulai lagi berjalan...

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Hari ini

CintaMU spt fajar dipagi hari..
yg tdk pernah berhenti bersinar..
CintaMU spt sungai yg mengalir..
dan kutahu betapa dlm kasihMU

yah..sdh tdk terasa usia pernikahanku sdh bertambah satu umur, terima kasih Tuhan. Cinta,tawa dan canda menghiasi hari2ku.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Riau Islands

I dropped my bag and take news paper.
Good Topic. Read on 'The Jakarta Post' : Riau Islands overrun by imports of illegal meat. Oh, no.

the circulation of meat illegally imported from India in Batam and others areas in the riau islands province has reached a critical stage, with the commodity widely available,even in traditional market (read: the jakarta post)

it's true. i was see it. lucky, me and my family are not too like eat meat. i can count how many times menu in my home made of meat per month. at least one which is 'ayam kampong' as requested by kakak (she likes soup).

'we don't know who we should talk to about the illegal importation of meat from india. the authorities don't seem to care about it and some of them even cooperate with the importers. this really hurts consumer,Asron said (he is secretary of the Batam office of the Consumer Institution Foundation(YLKB). (read : the jakarta post)

right. it's really hurts consumer. i aware about it. how about others? did they know about it. did our goverment aware about this too?

meat from india is usually imported through malaysia as the sale of the meat there is not forbidden. the close proximity between malaysia and batam, as well as other islands in the province, further facilitates the illegal important of the meat to the region. 'this activity is further facilitated by the operation of many illegal ports on batam islands, thereby preventing officers from detecting illegal imports,lik said (lik betty, head of the batam marine,fishereis and agriculture office) (read: the jakarta post).

see. it's true. pointed to 'many illegal ports on batam islands'. i think is not only for meat.

first time i came here, it's difficult for me to find and looking for food and meal,house hold, and everthing made in indonesia/local made. all imported. price for imported cheaper than local. i'm not saying all came from illegal ports. but until now i don't understand why and if i got some information about this i am still not satisfied about this. don't know why.

the fact is meat imported sold cheaper than local meat. we as consumer should be aware about this.

'at least nine tons of illegals meat enters batam per day. its important is smooth because it involves authorities,including policemen,officers of the custom and excise office and other related institutions'. (read : the jakarta post)

can you imagine the totals for one week,one month and one year? frankly i'm so sad to calculated. the present show that most of people who was in batam most like meat. yeah...

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Why ?

doing by learning.
deep in my heart asked to myself, why.

this week i try complie my word to capture all my children asked to me about anything.
little conversation doing with me and my older daughter.

kakak : nande, why they said something that I don't understand about it?
me/nande : think hard to answer. well, honey your age not enough to thinking about it just listen. as your see it's adult conversation. you will growing with that and you will get the answer about it.
kakak : i know nande, but 'why' they always do like that in the same time, did they know that what they are doing seems like stupid act, sorry nande.
nande : ok darling. approching her and give a big huge. Honey,it's very hard to answer your smart question, 'why'
kakak : yes nande, that 'why' i asked you
nande : kakak, they do like that because they understand what they talk about and they have wrong place about that.
kakak : oh yeah. are you agree if i said something about it?
nande : yes, i'm ok.
kakak : that's meant adult can do stupid act like a child.
nande : oh my GOD. you're right honey.
kakak : thanks nande. that's i want need that you confirm that adult can do like a child
nande : whisper in heart.'GOD, she's too young to think about this'

(above conversation talk about women had fight with her boyfriend in parking area. they act similar like a child)

Tuesday, May 15, 2007




batam was rain. rain again.i asked my self and try to figure out, why rain comes on this month? insane. stupid question.
but i always pray "Thanks GOD for today".

cough,common cold. last week, my second daughter has common cold and cough but now be better. i asked to "mbak" to gave her more water and more food.
mom called me in early morning said some reason why she doesn't come yet to batam. it's okay mom no problem i'll tell to kakak (brigitta)about this as she always asked about her grandma why not coming yet after easter.

discussed with my love 'jo'(husband) to cancel registration school for kakak. i can teach her after office hour. it's very hard but i try. with singing a song i teach her alphabet, number, everything. kakak is happy and her sister gabie try to follow what her sister do.

i have only 3 until 4 hours a day meet my lovely children after office hours. i try to manage my time and give the best for them.
someday kakak has a simple question but for me is very hard to answer.
"nande if you don't mind can you spare for me more time to teach me and spent time with me all day long?" oh GOD. If I could, I will do honey.

saddnes. yeah.
GOD..YOU know about all, everything. If I could..I'll be there everytime. I promised this is not longer. I've big plan about this all. Trust me kakak, you will see the day will come and your wish come true.

Friday, May 11, 2007

once upon a time

once upon a time..
mom with 2 pretty daughters. keep struggling, keep learning, keep faith and always be humble, honest and strong.

here i am. with my backbone starting again. hard to say how to tell you what's going on during my absent on this space but.. i will come again to you,share together with laugh,saddnes,regardless and everything.

i know who i am.
moved to new space . quite strange. new place,new job,new boss but still under same company.
well, as new comer i must obey about rule and my position. thanks to Lord given me chance for this position. working with new and good boss is very hard to keep good performance employee here.
almost five months i've worked with new job. struggling with everything but i'm happy.
life is wonderfull if we full fill in patient,humble and faith. growing with new situation make me strong and know how to do a good job and how to improve my capability. i always do my best to keep good performance.
some people have good approch to me but some not. i don't care. i just play my game but i never breaking the rule and never distrub others.


Hello..I am back

is very long time absent in this space.
I miss you all..miss you..

life is going on..
it's funny. once i open this space, i forgot my password, oh no..
well, highly appreciated for blogger account and google account, you save my blog..many thank to you..

oh GOD,
since i moved to new place. i was struggle for everything. for my jobdesk, my family and what ever. but i still on HIM.
i don't know how to begin. promise is promise. promise to update this blog again.

well..welcome aboard again..miss you all

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Aduh kangen banget ..
sudah lama tidak nge blog..
aku akan mampir yah...JANJI DEH...